1 research outputs found

    Applicability of the QR code as a support for the inventory management in the aeronautical industry

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    El presente documento analiza la implementaci贸n de los c贸digos QR en el 谩rea de gesti贸n de inventarios de una empresa perteneciente al sector aeron谩utico; permitiendo que el ingreso de toda la informaci贸n se realice con un m铆nimo de errores y en poco tiempo. Esta herramienta ofrece a la compa帽铆a la posibilidad de disminuir la falta de rotaci贸n de los elementos por no contar con una plena identificaci贸n; incrementando la posibilidad de venta de los mismos adem谩s de brindar el soporte necesario para el control y seguimiento de los componentes aeron谩uticos al interior del almac茅n.This document analyzes the implementation of QR codes in the manage of the inventory area of a company belonging to the aeronautical sector; allowing the entry of all information is made with a minimum of errors, in a short time. This tool offers the company the possibility of reducing the lack of rotation of the elements by not having full identification; increasing the possibility of selling them as well as providing the necessary support for the control and monitoring the aeronautical components inside the warehouse